Sharks Go Walking

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
When most people hear “shark,” they picture a large, sleek-bodied predator slicing through the open water, perhaps with the triangle...

Dual Superpowers

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
Perhaps you’ve heard of animals that can regrow lost body parts, like sea stars growing new arms or lizards regrowing...

Climate-friendly Microbe Munchers

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
Many microbes perform a key function in the cycle of life: breaking down dead and decaying organisms. But this important...

All in the Family

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
You’ve probably heard that birds of a feather flock together. It turns out the same may be true for reef...

A Familiar Flip of the Fin

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
Whether it’s a swagger or waddle, a strut or a prance, the way a person walks can reveal a lot...

Dragons in Texas?

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
Dragons usually conjure images of massive, fire-breathing reptiles that fly through the air. But the dragons that have been showing...