Billy Sandifer
Retired after 20+ years of guiding anglers in the Padre surf, Billy Sandifer (the “Padre of Padre Island” to friends and admirers) is devoted to conserving the natural wonders of N. Padre Island & teaching all who will heed his lessons to enjoy the beauty of the Padre Island National Seashore responsibly.


Pyrrhuloxia-Cardinalis sinualus This cousin to the Northern Cardinal is often mistaken for a female northern cardinal. Pyrrhuloxia has a thick,...

Snowy Egret

-Egretta thulas-Very active feeder in shallow water. Present in Texasduring March through October. Breeds on coastalislands March through August. Slender...


-Numenius phaeopus- Longer-bodied and shorter-billed than similar long-billed curlew. Boldly striped crown and dark eye line also distinguishes from long-billed...