Fish Talk: September 2007

Out with the old, in with the new seems to be the recent trend in Matagorda. With the new bridge being built to replace the old swing bridge and businesses sprouting up, Matagorda is experiencing a little cosmetic surgery. Heck, I've even been caught in traffic jams lately heading down towards the beach. Change is inevitable - it's always just a matter of time.
If you're looking around for bait camps while you're on the way to the jetties or the Gulf of Mexico, stop off at Rawling's Bait Camp 979-863-7669 on Beach Road. Mike or his helpers will be able to supply you with bait, including offshore, along with maybe a few tips on local fishing. If you're over in the Matagorda Harbor area, Russell's Bait & Tackle 979-863-7620 is another prime spot to stop off for your fishing needs. Available here you'll find free boat ramps, gas and diesel for your boat, live bait, artificial lures, good eats, and a variety of other items. Hint: Russell, who professes to be a chef, cooks up a mean hamburger with all the fixings and most likely the best you'll find around. Breakfast is available at Russell's Thursday through Sunday mornings with live bands and food on some Saturday nights. Russell's cooking talents and my hungry stomach have come into contact frequently and I'll be the first to admit you won't be disappointed.
If you're looking for a restaurant offering a varied menu of land and sea items look no further, just before you get to Russell's Bait & Tackle in the Matagorda Harbor, you'll see the Waterfront Restaurant where local owners, Craig and Suzanne Hinton, offer up some great food with a nice view of the harbor's activities. If you're over on Beach Road or heading in that direction, stop off at River Bend Tavern overlooking the Colorado River to enjoy a tasty meal and if you're an evening visitor you might take in some local wild hog activity. Needing to purchase some fresh local seafood, Buddy's Seafood is easily accessed as you're coming into town and he will provide you with your seafood desires and even de-head your shrimp for you.
There are new and upcoming restaurants and businesses in the Matagorda area and I don't want to leave anyone out so I suggest calling the local Matagorda Chamber of Commerce 979-555-6526 and... Robin Dixon will help you with any additional information for places to eat, stay, shop, or just hang out.
For the latest in fishing trends, West Matagorda Bay is somewhat fresh on top but salty underneath from all the recent rainfall. Mark Talasek, Tommy Countz, and Bobby Gardner have all been doing fairly well on trout and reds from Oil Field Cut to Airport Flats. My preference is to stick to East Matagorda Bay which at this point is only fresh on the north shoreline and Chinquapin Reefs to Bird Island. Amidst the odds, we are still able to catch fish in this tea colored water. The north shoreline of East Matagorda Bay is loaded with millions of shrimp in knee-deep to waist-deep water with lots of big redfish located in the grass along the shoreline. Look for some things to change in September if we don't get the torrential rains we had in August. Presently, East Matagorda Bay is in good shape with our bait fish, mainly shrimp which should be moving towards the middle of the bay by September, and with birds working a lot along the north shoreline so it looks like we're in for a good fall season of fishing.
September fishing patterns will be to drift and wade the Mid-Bay Reefs while keeping an eye on Oyster and Crab Lakes because of all the shrimp activity. The usual Bass Assassins in 10W40, Pumpkinseed, and the Blurp Golden Bream will work for me as well. Small top waters like the She Pup have been good and should continue to be effective the month of September.
Whatever you do be safe on the water, wear your kill switch, just keep 5-7, and by all means enjoy your day and May God Bless You along the way...