Youthful Adventures of Prominence

One of the great joys of my life is sharing my passion for the outdoors with the new generation. My own children and other excited kids taking part on my charters need early experiences in the wild world to set the foundation for their lives in the great outdoors. I take the responsibility of sending them down the right path very seriously. After all, our kids will eventually be the stewards of our fishery.
Many of us were introduced to angling at an early age. My introduction came at the age of about four or five years. Born and raised in upstate New York, I grew up on the shores of the beautiful Saratoga Lake, isolated in the woods, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. I remember my parents walking me down to the water to fish for a variety of species, including largemouth, smallmouth, and rock bass. Yellow perch, bullheads, and pike were also possible, and the more different types of fish I caught, the more interested I became in the sport. There, my obsession with fishing began; to this day, the spell lingers, perhaps stronger than ever.
Now I have two beautiful daughters of my own―six-year-old Rory and Leah, who recently turned four. As a father, I think it's important to share my coastal lifestyle with my kids. Both girls have a growing love for the outdoors; they're hard to pry away from the beach when it's time to go home. I can relate to their attachment to the elements because I have felt the same way since I was their age.
Here in Texas, we're blessed to have such a variety of outdoor opportunities from which to choose. Whether it's fishing, hunting, or simply enjoying the sights and sounds of nature, some outdoor experience awaits us at just about any given time. One of Rory's passions is checking the crab traps in the canal behind the house. She's not only eager to count and unload the crabs, but also to cook and eat them for dinner. Anything I can do to focus my girls more towards outdoor adventures and less on social media sites, tablets, and televisions contributes to shaping their lives in a positive way.
Comparing myself to my offspring, I think my kids are more advanced than I was at their age in their appreciation of outdoor experiences, and I find this quite comforting. I have no idea where the paths of their lives will lead them, and I doubt they'll become fishing guides. More likely, they'll evolve into entertainers or scientists. Wherever they go and whatever they do, I predict their appreciation for the outdoors will remain present throughout their lives, and this makes me feel proud.
For now, the best I can do is keep taking them on big adventures and entertaining them with the wonders of the wild world. The girls have been fortunate to tag along on some shark specialized beach charters where they get to hang out with kids their age who share their interests. Since she's the older sibling, Rory feels obligated to lead and protect her little sister. Unafraid to get her hands dirty, she follows me around with a bucket when I'm casting a net to catch bait. She inspects all the things that fall out of the strings, becoming well educated in the art of fishing. Already, she can identify many different species of fish and other creatures.
In winter, when the public's desire to fish for sharks slows to its lowest rate, I have time to catch my breath and prioritize a few trips for myself. I often do so by heading to the beach specifically to nurture my girls' emerging interests. I love it when they come to me and ask, "Can we go camping?" Their version of camping involves spending the night on the beach, fishing with brisk, humid air blowing in their hair, their hands and feet covered with sand. Sometimes, we head out without a single rod, just to enjoy the outdoor elements. It's important to keep things balanced and simple and not to force a specific kind of journey on kids. They're well capable of indicating when they're ready and fit for the most serious kinds of adventures.
On one of my recent charters, the girls had the opportunity to join and help me work. The client, who has a boy we call E, requested I bring them along. My girls knew the client and his son, and we'd all fished together before. E has been honing his angling skills since we first met and has come a long way. He's keen on learning the tactics of the sport. Like me, his father gains great pride and happiness seeing his kid show such great enthusiasm and eagerness to excel in our hobby. This time, the client's nephew came along on our sharking adventure.
The four young rascals enjoyed the unseasonably hot winter weekend. We measured the temperature at 86 degrees while riding south on the beach, and though the dirty waves were full of weeds, the shark activity was impressive for this time of year, well on the productive side. The kids caught and interacted with four different species of sharks. The smiles and excitement they expressed was awe-inspiring.
Over the years, I've experienced a large number of trips including entire families and enthusiastic kids. I thoroughly enjoy embarking on these educational and foundational adventures. If the children are new to saltwater fishing, numerous surprises await them, inspiring to watch as they unfold. I introduce other children to the angling world the same ways I introduced my own.
Educating young boys and girls about sharks while we interact with live ones is powerful indeed. I've felt satisfaction and honor when helping fuel a child's obsession with the world of sharking by putting them in situations where they stand face to face with these unique creatures. For a few, the process has sent them down routes to spectacular lives built around the marine environment.
The youth hold the future of the fishery and of this planet in their collective hands. Accordingly, we should do what we can to groom them the right way. Seeing them in their natural state, feeling awe and excitement over the fish and the world in which they live is not only satisfying, it's an investment which pays handsome long-term dividends.