Port Mansfield East Cut and Beach Cleanup

A Call for Volunteers: Join us in Port Mansfield, June 10, 2023, for the 14th running of the great Port Mansfield East Cut and PINS Beach Cleanup.
We need you, boat captains and also workers without boats. We will arrange boat transportation to the work area for volunteers without boats. This is a great opportunity for all who love the ecosystem of the Lower Laguna Madre and PINS beach near the Port Mansfield East Cut to join in restoring these beautiful waters and shorelines to pristine condition. Please contact Kathie or Miller Bassler to learn more about this wonderful event.
Kathie Bassler: 979-204-5185 or email: [email protected]) relative to volunteering for this event and to secure lodging.
The event kicks off with a full breakfast at 7:00 AM, launching from the Port Mansfield Chamber of Commerce Event Center. Lunch and drinking water will be provided for all volunteers while on the beach.
Remember, we provide two nights free lodging, plus a hearty breakfast, lunch back at the Port Mansfield Chamber of Commerce Pavilion, and a fantastic Taco party at Blues Chill N Grill the evening of the event. Many families turn this into an extended stay and stay a few days after to fish and enjoy our beautiful waters.
All volunteers are also invited to join us for more fun at a post-event celebration to be held at Poco Loco Marina’s Blues Bar on the Harbor for great food, karaoke, and cold drinks. Three meals and free lodging for all volunteers is a deal that’s hard to beat!
Come join us for a full day of hands-on conservation effort and a fantastic feel-good event to help keep the PINS beaches and Mansfield Channel cleaner than it was the day before. Anyone wishing to sponsor via financial contributions are encouraged to email Miller Bassler: ([email protected])
For a detailed look at the work we will be doing, check out the drone video from last year’s event at: https://youtu.be/HagMRe0Y1h8