New Knowledge: Jackplate Hydraulic Pressure Adjustment

There are many good outboard motor jackplates on the market and the all-in-one units are the more efficient to install. CMC and Bob’s Machine are the brands we primarily sell and service. After installing a replacement unit recently, after several uses, the customer reported being unable to lower the engine while the boat was underway. Puzzling that the unit functioned flawlessly in both directions when not underway.
A test run confirmed the condition, so we contacted Bob's technical support to discuss the problem. There are four screws on the bottom of the hydraulic unit which are accessible from the back when the boat is on the trailer. The second screw from the left has a silicone cover. Removing the silicone allows access to a 3mm hex-head screw, that when turned clockwise will increase the downward hydraulic pressure.
A straightforward and simple remedy that we were not aware of and now, hopefully, a quick fix that might help another angler in need.
Have a great Spring season!
Thank you
Chris Mapp
Coastal Bend Marine | Port O’Connor, TX
361-983-4841 | [email protected]