Hooked Up: November 2024

Hooked Up: November 2024
Russell Abendroth with one of numerous 7-plus trout caught on this day of strong NE wind that had muddied the water. Point being, I knew the structure was there, although not being able to see it. Understanding what is below the surface is crucial in this game.

And just like that, three fronts came in and dropped the water temp into the 60s. Mike looked a little confused and asked, “What’s the significance in that?” I replied, “Mike, it’s the difference between yin and yang when it comes to trophy trout fishing. It means consistency, pays off like the fish lotto, and the chance at justification of your wife’s half of the money you have spent to catch big trout.” Mike lifted his cheeks and squinted his eyes as his head fell back towards his shadow. “Yeah, let’s keep that between us, Captain.”

There is no doubt that I have been blessed by God to be a fisherman. That I eventually became a guide who gets to live his passion on most days of the year, gets to share his craft with other like-minded souls, make improbable friendships that will last all the way up to the big pond, and get paid to do it all.

That conversation with Mike just reminded me how lucky I am, even on the toughest days, and I wanted to give all of my current and past clients the gratitude and thanks they deserve. Huge thanks to all of you for making 35+ years of kicking rocks in Baffin, and the loss of a couple retirements all worth it. I really do love and appreciate each and every one of you for the trust you continue to put into me and my time on the water.

Late November is when that trust really starts coming to fruition. The cold fronts will continue slipping in, water temps will be stabilizing in the 60s, and the larger trout will start becoming considerably more concentrated. That’s great for us, as a target-rich environment provides multitudes more opportunity when trying to set personal records or having a fish story for your buddies that can be referred to as epic.

November patterns will span far into the spring. The main reason is that water temperatures and bait supply are not going to waver much during this time period. The same warm shallow flats that produce in the afternoon now, will most likely still have the potential to be producing months from now. The one thing we all need to understand, and is so important, is that areas we fished last year and had success may be total flops this year.

In the Upper Laguna and Baffin Bay systems, it’s not just the spot you favor, but the structure within that particular area that is the key, and that is what will change from season to season. Like a magic trick, sandy potholes within your favorite area will vanish from year to year, only to reappear in different areas the following season. It is absolutely key that you spend as much time as possible using your eyes to locate, and add to your memory bank, the layouts of these new sand holes that are developing. Whether it’s the King Ranch Shoreline, The Meadows, or the south shoreline of Baffin, the same scenario will play out. To up your game and be successful through the coming big trout season, know your hunting grounds intimately.

With all my years in the water down here, learning the lessons of structure, that never stays the same, is the key to catching more and larger trout on a consistent basis in Baffin Bay. You don’t always have to be casting to become a better fisherman! As mentioned in an earlier article, the bay is full of trout… really solid fish, and tons of smalls that will soon be in that 20” class. This is such a beacon of light for our fishery as a whole. Whether you are into trophies or numbers, this season is going to have it all. If you are new to this game and want to learn the ins and outs of it, feel free to contact me. All I require is a good attitude and willingness to learn. Skill level is irrelevant to me.

In closing, north winds are blowing grass away from the shallow shorelines where all of that new structure will appear. All of our favorite plugs, MirrOlure Fatboys, Soft Dines, and 27s will be free to work their magic without the hassle of getting grassed up while targeting the largest trout available on any given day. Fill that wade box with your favorite plugs made by MirrOlure and the forever versatile 5” Bass Assassins. No excuses!

Remember the buffalo! -Capt. David Rowsey

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