Montauk Tackle’s Performance Apparel Incorporates Recycled Yarns

In past installments we have featured a variety of ways anglers can accomplish better plastic management and help prevent plastic waste from collecting in Texas waterways and bays. There have been many, not the least of which is to simply stop taking disposable plastics on the boat when we go fishing. We have also encouraged participation in beach and shoreline cleanup activities and, of course, proper recycling and disposal of the many forms of plastic we cannot avoid using. My hat is off to readers who have taken these messages to heart and changed their habits for the betterment of our precious marine resources.
Lately I have become aware that some manufacturers of performance fishing and outdoor wear are also making significant contributions in recycling. A problem that has cropped up in recent years is that the end result of some recycling effort does not always play out as we had hoped – meaning that it actually costs more to process certain recyclables than utilize newly-minted plastic – and the plastics we thought we were recycling actually end up in landfills. The sportswear industry, however, has come up with a genuinely clever and cost effective option that redirects plastic waste in the manner we intend.
Montauk Tackle Co. is one of them and deserves accolades for their recycling efforts. Montauk Tackle offers an extensive line of fishing-themed sportswear that is not only stylish and breathable, their 50+UPF infused fabrics block harmful sun rays from reaching the skin.
According to the Montauk website: “Our fabrics are made from recycled plastic bottles. We estimate four plastic bottles have been repurposed into each one of our shirts. Our fabric partner was selected because they actually collect their own plastic bottles and feed them into a vertically integrated process to create Montauk’s engineered recycled smart fabrics.
TSFMag’s relationship with Montauk goes back quite a few years and I can attest personally to the quality and durability of their fishing shirts. Beyond comfortable and cool on the water, and I’ve fished in them many days, I have worn them for casual dress at least as often.
As you shop and compare, please consider this promotional statement, also from Montauk’s website. It kind of makes me want to jump up and wave Old Glory!
“Montauk Tackle Company was built to design and produce the finest American-made sun-protective apparel available. But it’s about more than that. It’s also about celebrating this incredible land of ours and its amazing people, our incredible coastlines that embrace our waters; the mountains and forests, and industries that thrive in them; the vibrant cities; the rural villages; the vacation getaways and the hardworking industry towns. It’s about the great American outdoors, and the great Americans who work and play in them.”
Check out all their fine products and shop online at: