25th Annual Billy Sandifer Big Shell Cleanup

The 25th Annual Billy Sandifer Big Shell Cleanup is slated for Saturday February 29, 2020 at the Padre Island National Seashore. This is the Silver Anniversary of this unique event. Volunteers are needed at Malaquite Visitor’s center no later than 8:00 AM on Saturday, February 29. Normal park admission will be waived for Cleanup participants – notify the park ranger at the park entrance gate that you are a cleanup volunteer. Especially needed are volunteers with 4x4s willing to haul walk-in volunteers and also to pull trailers to the work area.
This event takes place rain or shine. Proper attire and footwear is strongly recommended – long pants, warm jackets, rain gear, closed-toe hiking-type shoes, etc. Work gloves, drinking water, and snacks will be provided down-island for the volunteers. Bring a lunch if you feel you will need one.
Since its inception, more than 9925 volunteers have removed 2,876,000 pounds of trash from this remote and wild stretch of four-wheel-drive-only beach. While supplies last, we will also be distributing special commemorative t-shirts designed by Aug’s Art along with lunch at the conclusion of the event. Volunteers are invited to meet at the Visitor’s Center Pavilion as we wrap things up from 1:00 to 2:00 PM. For more information visit friendsofpadre.com
Contact: Tyler Thorsen – Vice President - Friends of Padre for more information.
Email: [email protected] or 361 779 – 3044