Ring-billed Gull
Yellow bill with a complete black band encircling it mid-length. Yellow legs and feet.
Breeds on prairies and lakes of Canada, mid-Western states and North Great Basin South to NE California.
The ring-billed gull is a winter visitor to Texas. Present August through May on bays, in the Gulf, on beaches, estuaries and lakes. The only creature I know of that regularly eats Portuguese Man of War. Works bait fish alongside other gulls and terns.
Length 28" to 21"
Wingspan 47.5" to 50"
Breeds on prairies and lakes of Canada, mid-Western states and North Great Basin South to NE California.
The ring-billed gull is a winter visitor to Texas. Present August through May on bays, in the Gulf, on beaches, estuaries and lakes. The only creature I know of that regularly eats Portuguese Man of War. Works bait fish alongside other gulls and terns.
Length 28" to 21"
Wingspan 47.5" to 50"