“Trade Secret” Tying Technique

OK folks it's that time of month. Here I am racking my brain to write something interesting. And, since I've been failing miserably at that for three days, I've decided to do something I don't normally do. I'm going to share what I consider one of my best-kept fly-tying secrets.
It's no stretch to say that I am stingy with information as it pertains to how I do my job, and while I will help anybody with casting technique or teach them knots and rigging, I have always been reluctant to divulge fishing spots, how to find a fishing spot, and/or certain flies I use and how I tie them. Trade secrets, if you will. I don't usually share these but, I'm gonna break my rule.
Over the years I have mentioned my fondness for the dubbing brushes created by EP (Enrico Puglisi). In fact, outside of a few exceptions, I incorporate his brushes into nearly every fly I tie. Now, with that being said, I am also continuously trying to create new flies that might get the job done a little better.
Last year during a stretch of ridiculously clear water, I was having particular difficulty getting tarpon to eat my flies. I was of course spending plenty of time at the vise trying to figure out something different, yet very realistic, that might get a nod from one of those picky shad. The result is what I am going to share with you here.
Since my rye-fueled revelation I have had many individuals inquire as to how I do it. The "it" being the method I devised for producing color fade from top to bottom rather than front to back, using only brushes.
The sky is of course the limit in regards to this tying method because an individual can create some of the most realistic small baitfish patterns ever seen by a fish. Let's get down to business.
The trick to tying this type of fly lies wholly within the imagination of the person tying. By that, I mean, it could be a pattern that incorporates only two colors or potentially three or four, and could utilize any number of materials for the tail section. It all depends on what you might trying to imitate.
Step 1- Choose a tail material. I used grizzly hackle. But, remember, you could use some EP Fibers, bucktail, ostrich hurl or even craft fur. It all depends on the length of the fly you are trying to create.
Step 2- Choose a light-colored brush and make three to four wraps, secure it and then tie in some EP Game Changer eyes or maybe Clear Cure Goo Dumbbell Eyes. Be sure to pick out or brush out the brush using a dubbing needle or fine-toothed comb.
Step 3- Re-secure the lighter-colored brush (this does not have to be the same color) at the point where you finished making the initial wraps of the first lighter-colored brush.
Step 4- Choose a darker-colored brush that will be secured in the same place as the lighter colored brush and then palmered forward past the eyes, to the eye of the hook.
Step 5- Pick out the darker brush and trim below the shank of the hook.
Step 6- Trim the darker material BELOW the shank of the hook.
Step 7- Fold the lighter-colored material below the shank of the hook forward (this creates the belly of the fly) and then secure it.
Step 8- Go catch a big fish!
This is an excellent pattern that catches the hell out of stubborn fish, for me anyway. Apply the techniques I have demonstrated and use your own imagination.
Until next month. Be good–and stuff like that.