Be Thankful for Blessings

November is a special month; the weather is generally very favorable with tons of stuff to do in the outdoors. The cooler weather makes for some of the best fishing of the year and many seasoned anglers consider this month a prelude to the highly anticipated trophy trout season. Redfish run in schools and seem to be available just about anywhere bait is plentiful. Flounder, too, are especially plentiful this time of year, although they are protected from November 1 through December 14 to promote escapement to spawning grounds in the gulf…still lots of fun to catch, though!

And it is also hunting season! Deer and waterfowl seasons will be open all across Texas. Lots of folks will put fishing on a back burner the next couple of months, concentrating instead on harvesting some prime venison and heavy straps of birds. Which is rationalized in the minds of many through the logic that says – we can fish any time we want but we can only hunt during hunting season. Diehard anglers who never miss a beat during hunting season are the beneficiaries of bays virtually empty of boat traffic and fishing pressure.

November also brings us Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving Day, two important days heavily steeped in American tradition, and two uniquely American days that we should all be immensely proud to continue celebrating.

Veteran’s Day is celebrated on November 11 each year and commemorates the contribution toward American freedom made by the men and women who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. I salute all who have served and am of the opinion that the whole of November should be declared Veteran’s Month, not just one day. I do believe they have earned it.

The origin of Thanksgiving in America can be traced to colonial times and has been celebrated variously since the 1620s when we are told Pilgrims celebrated a successful corn harvest with their Native American allies. Feasting has always been at the heart of the celebration, but I often wonder whether modern-day Americans are as mindful as they should be that it all began with giving thanks to the Almighty for the many blessings he has bestowed. Our blessings are many, not the least of which are liberty, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness.

As you join with family and friends around your Thanksgiving table this year, I encourage that we remember to give thanks for all the wonderful blessings we might sometimes take for granted. Look around at all the strife and chaos elsewhere in the world. And then remember to give thanks that you live in the greatest nation the world has ever known.

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