Port O'Connor Crawfish Festival
![Port O'Connor Crawfish Festival](https://s3.dualstack.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/busites_www/tsfmag/meta/POC Crawfish Festival_1680906127.jpg)
Port O’Connor Crawfish Festival
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Save the date! April 29th
will be the 11th Annual Crawfish Fest & Cookoff! There will be a
Cookoff, Live Music, Crawfish Eating Contest, Food and Craft Vendors,
Raffle Items, Cold Beer and Crawfish Plates for sell, all for an
admission of $5. There will be a horseshoe tournament, cornhole
tournament and game booth for the whole family. Awards given for the
Best Boiled Crawfish, Side Dish, Best Bloody Mary , People’s Choice and
Decorated Booth. Admission $5. Crawfish plates sold for $25